Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Problem With Thinking

The problem with thinking is that it makes my brain hurt.

The problem with thinking is that I can't get out all the tangled mess that's in my head.

The problem with thinking is that it so rarely turns into action.

The problem with thinking is that I don't know if what I'm thinking is crazy.

The problem with thinking is that I don't know if what I'm thinking is right.

The problem with thinking is that if what I am thinking is right then how do I help other people think like that, turn that into action and promote the Kingdom of God on earth?

The problem with thinking is that so often it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels.

I think I'll stop thinking now....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back to School//Round 5

It's that time again.

The time I have to slow down on the movie-watching, book-reading, free-time-having, state-hopping activities and buckle back down into school.

It's now time for coffee-guzzling, textbook-reading, late-night-having, exam-cramming, list-making, hour-by-hour-planning, classroom-sitting, 6-hour-commuting, brain-dead-walking once more.

Complaints aside I'm excited for the classes I'm enrolled in this semester. Project-heavy, but will be purposeful for ministry and applicable for my life. (I hope.)

Are ya'll back in school this semester? If so, what transitions are you trying to make again?

Happy back to school, Spring 2011!