Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Morning Distraction

Because I read Stuff Christians Like, I'm inevitably introduced to things that I would never find on my own.

Last week, I followed the link over to Tyler Stanton's blog. I warn you now...if you're at work, do not do this. If you sit in a cubicle, surrounded by 15 people who answer phones or if you have to answer phones, do not go there. Wait until you can get home and laugh without restrain. Because unfortunately for my co-workers, I have the laugh of a hyena. And a donkey. And a midget on steriods. Combined.

This is one nugget of hilarity contained within the confines of Tyler's blog:


I have been laughing at this blog all morning. I now want to share the joy.

And if you know of any other blogs that crack your stuff and that can contribute to my workday distractions, please list them here.* If yours is hilarious, please let us know so we can all experience the mirth.

*If my boss reads this, this post was for the sake of posting and not because I actually read blogs at work...


TenaciousT said...

I recently stumbled on and it was pretty funny. in that "it's funny cause it's true" slash "i laugh cause otherwise i'll cry" kind of way...

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I have that same outfit! How weird...