Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Talk Thursday // Arctic Freeze

Well kids, I'm off to the glorious metropolis that is Louisville in the morning for a preaching conference with the Academy of Preachers. Other well-known guests such as Chris Dodson will be there, as well as Dwight Moody. Not so much the dead one, but the alive one. (That joke is only funny to the 3 of you who know who Dwight Moody is.)

And as excited/nervous I am about the opportunity to preach this weekend, I'm more disturbed by the freaking freezing weather I will have to deal with while there.

(If you can't see that small, it says 28, 21, 18 as the highs for the days I'm there.)

So this led me to wonder what was going on weather-wise in your part of the world. There are places that are having "deadly cold" and are shutting schools down for the cold. Up here in the NW, it's been in the 50's and just rainy.

As a secondary question, what is your perfect weather? For me, it's anything that allows me to drive around with the windows down, country music up and the sheer joy of wearing flip-flops. For Missouri, that's late-spring/early-summer, before it gets uncomfortably hot. For Washington, if it's even possible, smack-dab in the middle of July/August.

Mmmmm....I'm so ready for warm weather again! Let's hope this weekend doesn't freeze me out completely!!

PS: any prayers you want to pray for me, I'll be preaching on Friday at noon EST; I would really appreciate them. =)
PPS: if anyone is interested in reading my sermon, I will be posting it on SereYodh when I return.

Have a great weekend, friends!!


Sara said...

I woke up to my alarm radio this morning and the weatherman said it's 1 degree out with windchills of -15, and a high of 10, with continuing windchills in the negatives.

I did not want to get out of bed.

And the worst part, is that I chose this! :)

CerahSee said...

I haven't actually left my house yet today, being as I don't have to since school was cancelled.

But we have snow. A decent amount too, and it's probably really REALLY cold.

My perfect weather: Alaska in June.

wv: merpoo-somethings mermaids and mermen do after eating.

Anonymous said...

It's been in the negatives here with snow for over a week now. I like to look at the snow from inside a warm house or car but that's the extent of my enjoyment of the cold weather and snow. My perfect weather is 75-80 in Hawaii.


JD said...

the high today and tomorrow is 5. we're breaking low records on saturday morning. perfect weather: i'm going to have to agree with you, sarah. nothing like missouri in the spring time (except for the allergies. yuck!).

Christopher Maples said...

Snow. Not good.

Slight drizze, almost mist esque rain, my favorite.

Have fun!

Chris Ryan said...

Now back in Waco. Mid-30's, no snow. No ice. No rain.

Personal favorite weather is mid fall, air is cool and crisp, but not bitter yet.

Personal favorite AoP preacher: Sarah, of course! You did a great job and it was great getting to see you.