So this morning I was getting ready for my day, I had just stepped out of the shower, and there, on my ceiling, was a spider. Now, I don't know about ya'll, but I can't STAND spiders. If I see one, or hear a story about one, I can feel them crawling on me. Then I see myself incapacitated by their venom and wrapped up in a web of nasty, about to be some spider-creepo's tasty treat.
At any rate, I decided to be brave (for once) and rather than let Mr. Spider continue on his path across my room, I would take action. I steeled myself for the deed and clambered up onto a chair with my piece of tissue held high. Unbeknownst to me, spiders are highly intuitive (possibly clairvoyant) and just as I was reaching to kill the vile little demon creature, he jumped away! I have no idea where he landed. For all I know he could be in my purse or on my bed, or on my bathrobe. Since I have no way of knowing, I will be paranoid until he is dead. ("D-E-D dead" name that quote!)
I share this story with you this morning to let you in on one of my little fears - spiders, and really all bugs/insects/things that crawl (yes, including babies).
So the question today: what's your fear? Are you arachnophobic, hydrophobic, germaphobic, chaetophobic, homophobic, lygophobic? (Thanks Phobia List!)
Me: arachophobic (as already stated), eremophobic (fear of being alone or of lonliness), Logizomechanophobia (fear of computers, but in my case, we'll just say robots).
And, new post on
sereyodh: Jonah 2, part 2